We are looking for a few good affiliates...if you love Beauty Shamans and want to share with your audience, tell us all about it and we will consider you for this limited opportunity.  


Please tell us: 

- Handles/usernames for social media and other platforms (Youtube, TikTok, etc)

- Website address (if applicable)

- How you would promote

- Main area of interest in our offerings (skincare or tools, or both)

- Favorite products you've tried

- What kind of work you do

- What about Beauty Shamans aligns with you and made you want to do this


Send your information (and any inquiries) to support@beautyshamans.com for review, we'll be in touch.

What you can expect if approved:

- Unique discount code to share (will track your conversions)

- Payouts for initial orders AND subsequent orders made by "your people"

- Performance bonuses such as free product and/or VIP code for personal use

- Some flexibility, since we are still ironing out minor details