2 Weeks Before The Big Day

If you have a big event coming up and you need your face to look firm, lifted, and clear, then doing these things below will be worth the effort: 


Drink more water before you eat food - This doesn't mean eat less food, just make sure your water consumption is happening before your food consumption. If you try to keep this in mind throughout the day, you'll probably find that you weren't that hungry after all, you were just thirsty! When you drink more water you'll help to flush your digestive tract, improve lymph flow, and allow your skin to heal faster. 

No food for at least 12 hours - Try to give your gut a complete 12 -16 hour hour rest period. This will actually help improve digestion and will stop blood sugar spikes in the middle of the night and in the wee morning hours. After you eat dinner, go for a short walk. When you're finally ready for sleep, your tummy will be a little less full which means your body will have an easier time detoxing as you sleep. 

Gua Sha and facial massage daily - This is a must. You have to move your facial muscles and lymph daily if you want your skin to look firm and lifted before the big day. 

Face yoga (especially the Big O and the WOW - will warm up smile muscles) - I do these two exercises before any photoshoot or televised recording because it makes my face look more awake. The more you stretch your face, the more flexible it will become over time, and a flexible face will have less wrinkles! 

Cut Sugar - absolutely no refined sugars of any kind in the weeks leading up to your event. Sugar from fruit is ok but should still be consumed sparingly. Sugar feeds bacteria and acne, it promotes inflammation and puffiness, and strips your insides of important nutrients and antioxidants needed for collagen support. 

Epsom salt baths - this will help your de-bloat while relaxing all of your muscles! Its the perfect way to detox, relax, and release stress from the body and face. 

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